Cooler weather makes fall the perfect time to plant. With careful planning, your plants will have time to get established before the first hard frost and they will greet you after the long winter with beautiful spring blooms. To set you up for success, we compiled a list of some plants that thrive with fall planting and some helpful tips to get you started.
What can I plant in the fall?
Did you know that fall is the only time of the year you can successfully plant spring-blooming bulbs? That’s because they need time in the cold ground in order to bloom. Hyacinths and tulips are two spring-bloomers that can go in the ground this fall. If you’re looking for deer-resistant bulbs, check out alliums, daffodils and grape hyacinths.

Garden centers may have clearanced their annuals but trees, shrubs and perennials can still go in the ground. Make sure to keep trees/shrubs and perennials well-watered until the ground freezes so their roots can get established. Protect perennial plants from heaving in the frost by putting 3” of mulch around the base of each one. Perennials can also be divided and replanted during the cooler fall months, as long as they have sufficient time to establish their root systems.
Did your dog create dead patches of grass on your lawn this summer? Did critters dig holes that you want to fill in? Fall is also a great time to lay sod and plant grass seed. Cover grass seed with compost or straw and keep all grass seed and sod well-watered until temperatures dip below freezing.
If you’re looking for some other cold-hardy plants, here are some excellent choices:
Fall planting tips!

- Complete all fall planting 6-8 weeks before the first hard frost so roots get established.
- Water plants thoroughly after planting.
- Give plants a thorough watering one more time after the first hard frost.
- Mulch around new plantings to keep the soil warmer and encourage root growth.
- Don’t prune leaves or stems that the frost kills. Plants need the nutrients from the dead leaves and stems and will reabsorb them, making the plants more cold-hardy.
Do you want to learn more about fall planting? Trust your garden to the experts at McDonough Landscaping. Give us a call at 651.755.7901 or contact us here!