How to Attract More Birds
Are you a bird enthusiast who wishes to attract more birds to your yard? Many people have found success in peppering their yard with many different kinds of bird feeders to attract a variety of birds. In this blog, read about specific bird feeders and seeds and which birds you can expect to attract.
Birding is one of the most popular hobbies in North America. In fact, did you know that many people have moved to Duluth, MN specifically to take advantage of the amazing bird watching opportunities located in Hawk Ridge Park within the city limits? But don’t worry. If relocating just to catch sight of some wildlife isn’t in the cards for you, there are plenty of ways to attract feathered friends to your yard.
Sunflower seeds provide a high fat content with a thin, easy to crack shell, making them ideal for nearly all winter birds. Sunflower is also the most popular seed among all birds. If you choose Safflower seeds, you will keep squirrels and house sparrows at bay. And did you know that peanuts would attract jays, chickadees, and woodpeckers? If you want to see an oriole or two, be sure to put out some grape jelly and some homemade nectar for hummingbirds.
Specific birds prefer specific feeders. Cardinals and grosbeaks prefer tray and hopper feeders, making that combined with safflower seeds a good choice for those birds. Hummingbird feeders are specially designed with a bulb-shaped reservoir to store nectar in and holes in which to stick their beaks to get the nectar. Orioles love grape jelly spread out on a flat surface near a tree in the yard. If squirrels are a problem, you might have luck with a squirrel-proof tube feeder. But beware of moisture build up if the seeds aren’t used up fast enough, as that can produce a dangerous bacteria.
One of the best ways to attract all birds is to provide water for them to splash around in. In fact, water is just as important as feed if you want to attract birds to your yard.
Now that you know more about which bird feeders and birdseed to attract a variety of birds, it’s time to plan out where to place them in your yard. Call McDonough Landscaping today and we can help you plan out gardens in your yard to set up an ideal environment for different kinds of birds. By being intentional about where feeders are placed, you will cut down on competition between different birds and will have the best chance to see many different birds. Call today to get your plan started so you can enjoy bird watching from the comfort of your home all summer long!