Let’s Face It
Winters in Minnesota can be brutal. It’s easy to close the blinds to the snow and cold, and instead focus on the cozy comforts of indoors.
Right now, I want you to face some harsh reality.
Open those blinds and take a good hard look at your yard. What do you see? Is it the lively mixture of deep evergreen trees and river birch against scarlet-colored dogwood or is it a barren wasteland of skeletal trees against a white (or worse yet, brown) backdrop?
Instead of throwing up your hands in disgust, now is the time to start planning for the scenic view of next winter. With a little forethought, there are numerous ways to create an interesting landscape. Bring your yard to a whole new level with plant colors and textures designed for each specific season.
Here are a just few examples of the vast variety of hues and textures you have to choose from:
Quaking Aspen – look spectacular in the autumn when the leaves turn yellow or gold
Crimson King Maple – rich maroon leaves and purple fruit last throughout the summer
Sargent Crabapple or Snowdrift Crabapple – gorgeous red fruit stands out in the winter
Redosier Dogwood – deep red branches look superb against the snow
Experiment with a variety of trees and plants which flow effortlessly from spring to summer, from fall to winter.
Now is the time to start thinking about a landscaping plan.
A well-planned design is an essential component to visually appealing landscaping. While you may want to tackle smaller projects, such as a flower bed, it is recommended that a professional be hired for hardscaping or extensive planting.
Appointment times book quickly, so call us today and reserve a landscaping consultation date. 651.755.7901